27 Dec Born to Own a Business?
You may not think to ask potential buyers about other business owners in their family or about their interest in extreme sports or other thrill-seeking...
You may not think to ask potential buyers about other business owners in their family or about their interest in extreme sports or other thrill-seeking...
This is a continuation from Tuesday's posting and Wednesday's posting on H-10 Election Requirements. H-10 Election - Tips and Traps As stated in yesterday's posting, a...
This is a continuation of yesterday's posting which gave an overview of H-10 Election Requirements. Exhibit 1: S Corp Target - Stock Purchase (Actual) P may want to purchase...
Purchasers in a business transaction generally prefer an asset purchase in order to step up the basis of acquired assets. Yet, a stock purchase may...
The data below is from the 2012 Business Reference Guide (coming January 2012). Sandwich shops represent a big opportunity for the business broker. If you want...