3rd Party Resources

Below you will find a variety of businesses selected because of their relationship to the business brokerage industry.  If you contact any of them, please mention that you found their name on the BBP website. Please note that Business Brokerage Press (BBP) is not responsible for the content of external websites. This is because BBP does not produce, maintain, or update them, nor does it have any control or notification regarding changes to these external websites.


Business Broker HQ

We provide a space for brokers to come together to focus on the business of business brokerage, the Business Broker HQ community is able to make strides within the industry by strengthening business brokers which will strengthen the industry as a whole. We are able to bring our best to the table and still become better because of what everyone else brings too. Join into a community of top business brokers, access expert insights, and collectively drive market leadership, fostering a powerful sense of community along the way.

International Business Brokers Association

The International Business Brokers Association (IBBA) is an trade association of business brokers providing education, conferences, professional designations and networking opportunities throughout the year. The mission of the IBBA is to promote members’ professional development and interests, and to maximize public awareness of the business brokering profession. If you are a broker, we hope you will join us and benefit from this community of professionals from all over the world! If you need assistance or expertise in the process of buying or selling a business, please feel free to use our public IBBA Member Directory to find a broker in your area. For general information, visit IBBA online.




Free 30-Day Trial Offer! Sign-up today to become a MEMBER of BusinessBroker.net, a leading business-for-sale website. Be included in over 28,000 Business-for-Sale Listings and over 1450 Broker Members. After free 30-day trial, prices start at just $39.95 per month – flat fee. Visit www.BusinessBroker.net or call us at 1-877-342-9786. We look forward to hearing from you!


BizBuySell.com is #1 business-for-sale marketplace, with over 65,000 listings and 48 million visits from potential buyers and sellers annually. BizBuySell delivers the most leads, the highest satisfaction and is the most used marketing service according to the Business Brokerage Press survey of business brokers. Call (888) 777-9892 and reach the largest online audience of business buyers and sellers today.


Advertise Your Listings on DealStream! Post an unlimited number of Standard Listings for FREE. Other sites charge a lot and deliver huge numbers of tire-kickers. DealStream delivers serious buyers who provide POF’s, sign NDA’s, and close deals. Join over 1800 business brokers who advertise on DealStream. Sign up today at DealStream.com or call 617-497-5100 to talk to a sales professional.



Transworld Business Advisors

Transworld Business Advisors is the world leader in the marketing and sales of businesses, franchises and commercial real estate. Transworld offers the professional services that successfully bring buyers and sellers together. From business brokerage to mergers and acquisitions; we are the business sale specialists. Visit Transworld Business Advisors online.




Pricing benchmarks at your fingertips!

Business Valuation Resources (BVR) provides premier content, including DealStats, to the business valuation and business brokerage professions. Use DealStats to derive an asking or selling price using transaction data from 45,000+ comparable sold businesses. After selecting your comparable companies, easily export a report to provide to your client and support your conclusions. To learn how you can become a member of BVR’s Contributor Network and get free access to DealStats visit: bvresources.com/contribute or contact Regina Hodel at .


Diamond Financial

Financing broker transactions since 1996, Diamond offers a 3 day YES or NO answer and closes 94% of their accepted loan requests. Specializing in the larger, goodwill transactions nationwide, Diamond Financial has become the leading broker source for creative deal structuring and has closed over $1 billion in acquisition transactions. Stop spending time chasing financing and let the experts show you how to increase your office volume. Call an expert advisor today at 888.238.0952 or visit us to learn more at EasySBA.com

International Society of Business Appraisers, LLC (ISBA)

The International Society of Business Appraisers, LLC (ISBA), offers a business valuation training curriculum leading to the Business Certified Appraiser (BCA) credential. This valuation education can be completed with a self-paced virtual study program, coupled with a live training session offered through video conferencing to provide business brokers with enhanced business valuation skills. The US Small Business Administration recognizes the BCA designation as a “qualified source” which allows our designated members to generate additional professional fee income by providing business appraisals for lending purposes. For additional information email Howard Lewis, BCA, CVA(Emeritus), ABAR(Emeritus) M.A. MS at Howardlewis@intlbca.com or go to www.intlBCA.com for additional details.