“There is an old adage in the business that business brokerage gives you an ‘MBA in people.’”
-The Complete Guide to Business Brokerage
If you want to make money as a broker, the first thing you have to do is set the stage to build your inventory of willing sellers. You will want to aim for four listings a month, with the ultimate goal of maintaining at least 20 listings at any given time with a listing prospect file of 500. In order to do this, you will need about 50 seller contacts a week (personal, phone or mail) with as many of them personal contacts as possible.
You will need to apply the same effort in finding and working with buyers, keeping a file on them so you can stay in contact and have a record of the kind of business you think best fits their needs and the amount of money they have to invest.
“The thrill of putting the deal together successfully is just as rewarding as the fee that is earned at the closing of the sale, if not more so! The more you learn about the business, the more successful you will be at it.”
-The Complete Guide to Business Brokerage