09 Aug Hot Business List — July 2011
Below you will find the current “hot” business list courtesy of data from Businesses For Sale (www.businessesforsale.com). We asked Businesses For Sale for a monthly ranking of business types based on the number of “hits” on their site. This ranking is not based on the actual sale of businesses.
Top 10 Main Street Businesses:
1. E-Commerce
2. Convenience Stores
3. Websites
4. Restaurants
5. Sandwich Shops and Delivery Businesses
6. Bars
7. American Restaurants
8. Fast Food Franchises
9. Gas Stations
10. Bagel Shops
Top10 M&A Businesses:
1 . Medical Supply Businesses
2. Motels
3. Miscellaneous Manufacturing Businesses
4. Metal Products Manufacturers
5. Distribution Businesses
6. Oil and Petrochemical Related Businesses
7. Drug Stores/Pharmacies
8. IT Businesses
9. Health and Safety Businesses
10. Professional Services Businesses