08 Sep Let’s Chat…with Jim Parker: Legal issues when Selling a Business
What are the legal issues you should consider when selling a business?
When selling a business, it is highly recommended that you hire an attorney to review any and all contracts that are specific to your situation. However, in this video we will discuss in general terms some of the items that as an Seller you should address with your legal counsel.
This is a longer video, however, the process of selling a business is a very involved process and there are many points that should be considered.
If you are selling a business during the COVID-19, you should also consider watching the following video and talk to your attorney about these situations:
Legal Aspects of Selling a Business During the COVID-19: https://youtu.be/UMBE1BOivcI
WARNING watch this video before selling Businesses with PPP Monies:
PPP Stopping Deals & Forgiveness