16 Feb The Deal Board Podcast: LIVE: The Ultimate Buyers’ Playbook for 2021
***CONTEST! You Are Invited to Celebrate 100 Episodes with The Deal Board! BEST BUSINESS TIP CONTEST – YOU COULD BE ON OUR 100TH EPISODE! To Enter: Go to our YouTube channel, SUBSCRIBE and COMMENT your best business tip in the comments below this episode! The 100th episode is just about to happen; one hundred episodes delivering valuable information on how to buy, sell, and run a business. To celebrate this special occasion, Andy and Jessica are going to put together an episode with100 Business Tips, and they will do it by having a little contest. You need to go to The Deal Board Podcast, click on the link to The Deal Board Youtube Channel, subscribe, and comment on this episode your best business tip. The best ten tips will be brought onto the show and you will have the chance to go live in the hundredth episode that will be launched on March 18th and win a special prize. Description: Andy and Jessica are very proudly welcoming you to another episode of The Deal Board Podcast. In today’s episode, they are sharing with you the ultimate buyers’ playbook for 2021. 2020 has left an incredible opportunity by the SBA incentives that have been allowing buyers to leverage themselves into deals, giving six months on principal and interest. Listing of the week: Art Warsorff (Utah County) is selling a high-end restaurant takeout that was doing great pre-COVID-19. The owner created a special menu during COVID-19 that was particularly good for takeout and delivery, maintaining this way the relationship with customers, and keeping the business alive and blossoming. Asking price: $780,000 (the owner is willing to self-finance a portion of it). The business made $400,000 in 2019 and close to that also in 2020. Email Art at utahcounty@tworld.com or call (801) 557-6713.