Built to Sell Radio: How to Turn a Distribution Company Into a Valuable Business

Built to Sell Radio: How to Turn a Distribution Company Into a Valuable Business

Eytan Wiener started Quantum Networks as a simple Amazon Reseller of technology gadgets. The business model was basic. Resell a semi-known brand’s product on Amazon, or source a device people wanted in China and resell it on Amazon at a slim margin.

But Wiener wanted more than just a cash flow business. He decided to create a sellable company by promoting his brand (Blucoil), bundling products bought together frequently, and striking exclusive reseller arrangements with some brands. The three tactics jacked sales, took gross margin from around 5% to approximately 20%, and top-line revenue to $30 million, which caught the attention of Advantage Solutions (NASDAQ: ADV).

In this episode, you’ll discover:

  • Why owning your brand is essential to building a valuable company.
  • How to differentiate yourself in a sea of competitors online.
  • The surprising reason Wiener decided to sell.
  • How inventory is valued.
  • How to know when an acquirer is motivated to close.
  • The psychological impact of selling your baby.