06 Aug Glen Cooper on CBRs, CIMs & Offering Summaries – Part 3: Costs and Benefits Webinar 8/5/2021
“Writing-up” a listing is a challenge. No two brokers do it the same way. So, why worry about how it’s done?
An answer: Being the best at this work pays off!!
Veteran business broker Glen Cooper is President of the Colorado Association of Business Intermediaries (CABI) and of his own firm, Colorado Business Brokers.
He has made his high-quality “Offering Summary” his most effective sales tool for many years. Other brokers call them CBRs and CIMs. As far back as 1986, IBBA Founder Tom West wrote that Glen’s were “the best we’ve seen.”
How does this work? Why do it? What does a good one look like?” What should be avoided? What are the costs and benefits to consider? What does Glen do that’s controversial.
Glen will answer all of your questions as he presents the how’s and why’s, do’s and don’ts and the costs and benefits of producing really good CBRs, CIMs and Offering Summaries.