25 Jan Glen Cooper on The 5 Hardest Things To Learn In Business Brokerage – Part 4: Social Media Webinar 1/25/2022
As part of Glen’s series on “The 5 Hardest Things to Learn in Business Brokerage,” Part 4 is entitled “Social Media,” but that title is a bit of a misnomer. Glen’s actually going to dismiss “social media” as no more than having a good website to send folks to, having a complete LinkedIn profile so people looking there can find you, maintaining a Google Maps listing locally with reviews that people can see, and “being all over” BizBuySell.com to promote your business opportunities in the simplest way.
The real “social media” that counts, Glen would argue, is finding and talking directly to seller prospects and clients, then to the buyer prospects for your listings (engagements) and then to the professionals that show up in those transactions.
Sending out an endless number of short messages, and paying for SEO to attract strangers, while giving poor service to – and making poor impressions upon – those who are working with us, is a guaranteed path to failure, Glen would argue. Trying to do many, many things and multi-tasking to get it all done is a guaranteed path to poor health. “Focus, calm down and take a deep breath,” is Glen’s timely advice.
Climate change, pandemics, economic panics, political turmoil, the threatened downfall of America, the rise of China, and our own personal crises, are all going to happen every single day for the rest of our lives. Get used to it.
Being consistent with all that Glen has said in his series, he will detail, as much as he can, the ways a broker might maintain focus on these simplest forms of “social media.” He will also explain how his ideas about these things have evolved over the last few years and months.