27 Jul Glen Cooper on The Nuts & Bolts of Selling a Business – Part 3: Why Start With A Spreadsheet? A Clever Way to Get a Listing! Webinar 7/26/2022
In this webinar, Glen talks about why anyone would bother to prepare a spreadsheet of the seller’s numbers, EVEN BEFORE giving the listing presentation!!!
Are we crazy?! Or, is this a clever set-up to get the listing?
It’s a clever set-up to get the listing!
Before we agree to even value a business for a seller, we’d like to see the numbers, right? So, how can we do that without wasting time? And, if the numbers are great, how can we best assure that we’ll get the listing?
In this webinar, Glen shows us his clever way to get a listing! And, how to dismiss the listings we don’t want quickly!
Here’s what Glen shows us how to do:
1) Talk to the sellers first. Tell them that, if it makes sense, that we’ll do a free valuation. But, first we need numbers.
2) Trade them a confidentiality agreement for their numbers. We send a confidentiality agreement. They send us numbers.
3) Look at the numbers and decide if this is for us. If not, call them and give them a ballpark value, but explain why it doesn’t make sense for us.
4) If the numbers are great, create Glen’s spreadsheet.
5) The spreadsheet of their numbers will “Wow!” them as we present it in person. It will set us up to get the listing!!!