4 Brokers Advise: What To Look For When Selecting A Business Intermediary

4 Brokers Advise: What To Look For When Selecting A Business Intermediary

Recorded LIVE at the 2024 IBBA Conference in Louisville, KY, Neal Isaacs the ‪@RaleighBusinessBroker‬ , Kyle Griffith of‪@eminaenetwork6543‬ (Kyle Sells Biz), Jim Parker of ‪@JimParkerBusinessBroker‬, & Dustin Zeher of Horizon Business Brokers cut this beastie boys style riff on what their experience was at the conference and how it translates into the search for a business intermediary for a business owner. Drop a note in the comments and let them know what you think!

Exciting News: A New Business Brokerage Website Is on the Horizon! Keep an Eye Out for Updates.