Glen Cooper on The Nuts & Bolts of Selling a Business – Part 2: Getting Our Seller Ready Webinar 6/28/2022

Glen Cooper on The Nuts & Bolts of Selling a Business – Part 2: Getting Our Seller Ready Webinar 6/28/2022

In this webinar, Glen talked about how to prepare our seller clients for today’s selling experience. This is a tough journey for many, if not most. Including for us! And, What are the five major surprises that we need to prepare sellers to expect?

How do we stay on message (our own) while explaining to our seller clients that there are basically six steps that we can help with: 1) Form the team to lead in this journey; 2) Price the business correctly; 3) Prepare the written material and what we’re going to say; 4) Screen buyer prospects to eliminate the crazies; 5) Negotiate calmly and professionally; and 6) Wrap it up quickly with a letter of intent, asset purchase agreement and timely closing?

And, by the way, what does all that mean anyway!? Who’s the team leader? What’s “correct pricing?” What kind of written material are we going to have? How do we “screen” buyer prospects? How can we stay calm and professional in 2022? And, how do you get to a timely closing with lenders that take 90 days!?

Finally, what the heck do we do when our seller client needs a therapist at the 11th hour!? What do we do when we need one!?

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