This Weeks Events for Business Brokers

This Weeks Events for Business Brokers

Michigan Business Brokers Association

West Chapter July Planning Session

July 11, 12:00 PM
Watermark Country Club, 1600 Galbraith Ave SE, Grand Rapids, MI

Planning Session and Lunch provided at 12:00 PM.

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New England Business Brokers Association

New SBA Regulations Broken Down by Your SBA Lenders

July 12, 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM

Please join Jennifer Mason, Jordan Richmond, Jonathan Smith, and Barbara Arena -your SBA Lenders for a panel discussion on the upcoming changes to the SOP that are effective August 1st. We all except that changes will still occur with the SBA either before or after that date, but we want everyone to receive a basic understanding of the new polices. The highlights will be the personal resource test, equity injection, affiliation, and seller remaining with the business after the closing. We will have a follow up discussion at a future fall NEBBA meeting to provide additional guidance that we have received from the SBA.

In preparation for this SBA panel discussion, we ask that you send any questions in advance to

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Arizona Business Brokers Association

Regular Meeting – Lender Panel Discussion (SBA, Conventional, USDA, Credit Union, Private Money)

July 13, 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM

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Exciting News: A New Business Brokerage Website Is on the Horizon! Keep an Eye Out for Updates.