Acquiring Minds: Buying a Plumbing Business with $2m EBITDA | Doug Johns Interview

Acquiring Minds: Buying a Plumbing Business with $2m EBITDA | Doug Johns Interview

Doug Johns’ first episode was a popular one. In it, he recounted his pivot from corporate life to small business owner, having bought a Mr. Rooter franchise territory with close to $2m in EBITDA. That interview was 16 months ago, and in today’s interview Doug reflects on this pivot, and from a variety of angles: what it’s meant for his net worth; for his lifestyle; for his identity; and even for his marriage. Doug was very generous in his transparency, and you will leave this episode with a vivid picture of the life of a one-time exec, now local plumbing business owner. And if you’re considering home services as a target industry to buy a business, Doug shares why he loves home services — but also why it is way more competitive than it might appear from the outside.

Exciting News: A New Business Brokerage Website Is on the Horizon! Keep an Eye Out for Updates.