Around the Web: A Week in Summary

Around the Web: A Week in Summary

The following information has been sourced by Business Brokerage Press for the benefit of the business brokerage community. The views of these articles do not necessarily represent the views of Business Brokerage Press. We hope you find this information helpful.


A recent article from Troy Media entitled “What buyers are looking for when buying your business” highlights what to look for what a buyer looks for when they come a knocking at the door to see if you are interested in selling. They give a list of 5 things buyers are looking for:

  1. Buyers want a profitable business
  2. A business that is not reliant on you
  3. A stable business
  4. Growth potential
  5. Diversification or consolidation

Click here to read the full article.


A recent article from Baton Market entitled “Selling a business checklist” gives a list of what to do before and while preparing to sell your business.

First a seller should figure out why they want to sell, this will help you kickstart the package that you’ll eventually put together for buyers and help you figure out if you’re read to sell.

After that determine the value of your business, along with the documents that support your valuation. Following that get all your legal assets, business assets and other business documents you have in order.

Finally prepare to being working with buyers and see if you need outside help from a business broker, attorney, or accountant.

Click here to read the full article.


A recent article from The Free Press entitled “The Five Most Effective Marketing Methods To Sell Your Business” goes over the most effective way to market your business for sale. When you need to find buyers these 5 methods are the most effective:

  1. Advertise on a business for sale directory
  2. Social media marketing
  3. Email marketing
  4. Direct mail advertisement
  5. PPC Advertising

Click here to read the full article.