Built to Sell Radio: Building to Sell: The Molzi Journey from Startup to Brainlabs Acquisition

Built to Sell Radio: Building to Sell: The Molzi Journey from Startup to Brainlabs Acquisition

In 2017, Chris Mole, based in the UK, founded Molzi, a full-service digital marketing agency catering to Amazon sellers. As pioneers in the field, the company witnessed significant growth. By 2020, amidst the lockdown-fueled e-commerce boom, Molzi doubled its team size to over 70 employees and generated revenues exceeding £4.5 million.

In 2021, their success caught the eye of Brainlabs, who acquired Molzi, paying 75% of the purchase price upfront and committing the remaining 25% to an earn-out agreement. In this episode, you’ll learn how to:

  • Leverage ‘hook products’ to reel in new customers.
  • Employ top talent affordably using Chris’ innovative hiring approach.
  • Build to sell without planning to sell and why it matters.
  • Time the sale of your business to maximize its value.
  • Forge connections with potential buyers long before you’re ready to sell.
  • Shrink your earn-out period and boost your upfront cash.