The Deal Board Podcast: Bookkeeping 101

The Deal Board Podcast: Bookkeeping 101

Andy and Jessica welcome you to another episode of The Deal Board Podcast. This week, they are going back to basics! You often hear them discussing the importance of keeping good books and records, but how do you do it?! Andy and Jessica share the most practical and essential tips for you to use in your administration, increasing the value of your business. At the same time, you maximize your profit, having a clear view of the progression of your endeavor, and, most importantly, you can prove it to potential clients!

Max Emma joins Andy and Jessica from, who introduces his company, which helps customers keep their books every month. Also, if you are looking to purchase a business, this franchise is an outstanding opportunity. Greg Crabtree joins the conversation about bookkeeping, sharing his expertise; he is the author of Simple Numbers, Straight Talk, Big Profits!: 4 Keys to Unlock Your Business Potential, and the CEO of Crabtree, Rowe & Berger.

Listing of the week: Jonathan Choe (Oregon Central) is selling a roofing company priced at $1.5 million, with an SDE of $550,000. This company has been in business for more than 20 years. To learn more about this one-of-a-kind deal, call Jonathan at (541) 213-0324 or email