Acquiring Minds: Hard but Fun: Transitioning a 77-Year-Old Business | Darryl Lindie Interview

Acquiring Minds: Hard but Fun: Transitioning a 77-Year-Old Business | Darryl Lindie Interview

Darryl Lindie got the notion to get into small business while in the Navy where he was working in the supply chain, buying materiel from small business owners and getting a window into their careers. It seemed fulfilling, fun, & a good fit for him. A couple years later he found a business doing $650k of SDE, in Rhode Island where he lived and he & his wife had resolved to stay. He closed this past July, 2023. Topics in our interview: buying a cashy business; buying a business with real estate; and the realities of small business ownership — how hard IS it? We also discuss New Majority Capital, Darryl’s initiative to enable more underrepresented people to become owners using the path of ETA.