Acquiring Minds: Moving to a Small Town to Buy an SMB | John Mahony Interview

Acquiring Minds: Moving to a Small Town to Buy an SMB | John Mahony Interview

The trendy desire to build a holdco of businesses is often received with skepticism, especially if you haven’t yet bought a business. So today’s guest, John Mahony, felt a little reluctant to share his holdco vision. But I leaned on John to talk about it because 1) there’s a mission behind it, and 2) John HAS bought his first business: Bailey Heating & Air of Greenville, Tenn. John is from the suburbs of Boston, so this is a big change. And not to mention: John lives right next door to Bailey, and rents his house from the previous owners of the business. So John has earned his SMB cred. You’ll also hear his patience come through. He’s taking his time, and thinking in terms of decades. So, between his cred & his patience, I see someone capable of realizing his holdco vision. See if you agree.