The Deal Board Podcast: The Meaning of Hard Work: 8 Tactical Habits for Success

The Deal Board Podcast: The Meaning of Hard Work: 8 Tactical Habits for Success

Andy and Jessica welcome you to another episode of The Deal Board Podcast. This week they discuss what it takes to be an entrepreneur while unpacking the meaning of “working hard.” They describe the hard work an entrepreneur needs to do to succeed. Everyone’s business path is different but Andy and Jessica share today some tactical habits in order to succeed while running a business.

Listing of the week: Dan Walkowski (Portland) just listed a new Dog Groomer located in a small part of town, which has done a great job serving the neighborhood. The owner has been running the business for around three years and is ready to retire. The business is listed at $357,000. They make $150,000 of profit every year. Contact Dan through or call him at (503)880-8970.